April 30, 2012
What Congress’ latest intrusive Internet bill would mean to you.
What Congress’ latest intrusive Internet bill would mean to you.
“Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act” (CISPA)
usher in a new era of information sharing between companies and government
agencies — with limited oversight and privacy safeguards.
Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas Republican and presidential candidate,
warned on April 23 that CISPA represents the “latest assault on Internet
freedom” and was “Big Brother writ large.” And 18 Democratic House members
signed a letter the same day warning that CISPA “does not include necessary
safeguards” and that critics have raised “real and serious privacy concerns.”
In February, Facebook VP Joel Kaplan wrote an enthusiastic
letter to Rep. Mike
Rogers (R-Mich.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to “commend”and
support them on CISPA Bill, which
he said “removes burdensome rules for online service providers that currently
can inhibit protection of the cyber ecosystem.”
However, by mid-April,, Facebook had been forced on the
defensive, with Kaplan now assuring users that his employer has “no intention”
of sharing users’ personal data with the Feds and that section is “unrelated to
the things we liked” about CISPA in the first place. (A Demand Progress
campaign says: “Internet users were able to push GoDaddy to withdraw its
support of SOPA. Now it’s time to make sure Facebook knows we’re
furious.”) Read more… http://alturl.com/c37jn
What began as a cleverly designed electronic chip to track
shipments and inventory control of merchandise to WalMart, and other BigBox
stores has now criminally evolved.
This same Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) chip is being used to electronically pick your
pocket without ever touching or coming in contact with you and other
unsuspecting Americans as they shop, or just go about their daily
business-as-usual schedule.
Criminals are using this RFID technology to scan items we
carry on our own physical person, such as our driver’s license, credit cards,
and passport as we merely pass by.
What you may not realize yet is that the Government has covertly embedding these RFID microchips in these bank & government issued items in an attempt to track you, your purchases, and your habits.
What you may not realize yet is that the Government has covertly embedding these RFID microchips in these bank & government issued items in an attempt to track you, your purchases, and your habits.
According to RFID Journal (an industry trade magazine) Radio Frequency Identification is
a technology that connects RFID tagged objects, and shipments to the internet, so they may be
As an example, touchless credit cards are being used more
frequently by credit card companies since it makes purchases quicker. You
simply float your credit card above a touchless-equipped reader and your
payment is made. It’s faster that swiping your card. However, it also makes
theft of your most confidential information fast and easy, and without your immediate knowledge.
Since this technology employ’s scanning information that is
floating on radio waves, any electronic reader tuned-in, and within short range
can capture your data. That’s simply all that these touchless pickpockets really
do. A practical demonstrations by
security experts reveals how a pickpocket can connect a touchless credit-card
reader to a small notebook computer or smartphone, and easily “steal”
credit-card information right through a purse or pants-pocket by just walking
past an unsuspecting victim. Let me repeat that………. ”A thief can steal your most sensitive information by simply passing close by.”
Armed with your stolen information, the crook can create a fake
credit card, or easily use the information collected to make purchases
online, and in some instances, raid your bank account. Last year identity thieves stole $18 billion from unprotected americans.
Picture a crook going to a sports game, a movie theater, or the mall on a busy day, he could steal thousands of credit-card’s without ever being detected. The threat exists with your driver’s license and passport.
Picture a crook going to a sports game, a movie theater, or the mall on a busy day, he could steal thousands of credit-card’s without ever being detected. The threat exists with your driver’s license and passport.
What is your best defense?
You could attempt to destroy the RFID chip embedded within
your cards, but it’s not advisable with your government issued RFID documents, because it could come with a penalty.
Your best options are to wrap the cards in aluminum foil to
block the radio signals, but it is always a hassle to keep unwrapping your
cards purchase after purchase, day after day.
There are better, and much safer alternatives such as retiring your old leather wallet for one of the new stylish wallets designed to block the radio signals
from RFID chips. This will prevent theft of your sensitive information while in your
pocket or purse.
And, the US State Department recommends using such wallets
to protect your passport information.
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