Jingle Cash can be redeemed on most everyday items and, many others. A great deal for these commonly used goods. Must be redeemed within the dates on the certificates, and check below for excluded items. Altogether, It's a super savings of 20%.
Spend $25 or more at Walgreens and receive between $5 and $20 in Super Jingle Cash depending on value of total purchase.
Spend $25 or more at Walgreens and receive between $5 and $20 in Super Jingle Cash depending on value of total purchase.
Spend $25 - Earn $5
in Super Jingle Ca$h
in Super Jingle Ca$h
Spend $50 - Earn $10
in Super Jingle Ca$h
in Super Jingle Ca$h
Spend $75 - Earn $15
in Super Jingle Ca$h
in Super Jingle Ca$h
Spend $100 or more - Earn up to $20
in Super Jingle Ca$h
in Super Jingle Ca$h
A Walgreens Super Jingle Ca$h coupon will accompany your receipt.
Walgreens Super Jingle Ca$h cannot be earned or redeemed on purchases of the following products and services: prescriptions and items prohibited by law, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, lottery tickets, money orders / transfers, transportation passes, postage stamps, dairy, prescription savings club membership, health care services, gift / phone / prepaid cards.
How to Redeem
Save your Walgreens Super Jingle Cash and use it on qualifying purchases made in the following week: