Monday, May 2, 2011

SMOKING HABIT ERASED by famed scientist, Dr. Linus Pauling. And, it’s a Delightful, Enjoyable Natural Cure.

Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling came up with this odd-sounding natural remedy, and it was soundly retested by a British research group. In just 3 short weeks, the folks who used oranges were smoking an average of 79% less — and many had kicked the habit completely! Incidentally, when you take a piece of orange instead of smoking a cigarette, first suck the juice out and then eat the pulp.

For a more detailed regime to follow,  and how-to prepare your juice cure go to: 

As a bonus, click on this site for a whimsical, & musical smoking cessation greeting card you can send to a friends and loved ones.