Monday, September 27, 2010

Wiretapping the Internet!

Proposed legislation to wiretap the internet is being considered by the Obama administration, and conceivably lead to their randomly listening-in to all forms of electronic personal communications. That ‘s likely to eventually include wiretaps on your very own cell phones, home phones, text messages, internet visits,…you name it.

Forget about arming yourself with “Spyware Software”, simply because Big Brother ‘s proposing to mandate all software makers build in an electronic bug, a-doorway, a-window into your private life that they may secretly open at their convenience, and listen-in to whatever they may choose of your most personal conversations.
All these additional assaults upon our Constitutional Rights are allegedly to protect us, and combat terrorism. I hope your not secretly thinking that the Fed. would possibly abuse this new found power. Are you?? Actually, you may want to consider not to randomly disclose those personal views by electronic means in the near future. 

The legislation would require internet communications services, including email and social networking sites, to have the technical capability to provide relevant Federal agency with Users' private information.

If passed, the proposed legislation would force communication and social networking sites such as Facebook and Skype to unscramble encrypted messages and provide wiretaps, The New York Times reported.

The White House plans to submit the proposed legislation to Congress next year.

Security officials claim the new measures are needed as criminals and terrorists have increasingly turned to the internet for communication.

James Dempsey of the Center for Democracy and Technology, an internet policy group, said, "They basically want to turn back the clock and make internet services function the way that the telephone system used to function."

Some experts believe the new measures would make the technology more vulnerable to hackers, the paper said.

Many western governments have been increasingly preparing the grounds to infringe on their citizens' right to privacy.

The March Toward One World Government

 Congressional Democrats and the Barack Obama administration are actively working to subject the United States to the dictates of the United Nations and are accelerating the march toward One World Government. Recent speeches and actions by administration officials, key Obama appointments and pending legislation all point toward this conclusion. Are you ready to forfeit your liberties and fall under world rule from a corrupt, and unruly organization?? We are like sheep being led off the cliff for slaughter since our leaders know what’s best for us.

Yet Hillary Clinton; certainly under Obama’s direction, is obviously agreeing to the policy as she continues to endorse and aid U.N. policies to relinquish our freedoms. The U.N. has endorsed the abolition of our 2nd amendment rights and that's just the tip of the iceberg with your Sec. of State dictating you future under  foreign rule. This has been her agenda for some time now. Americans beware!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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For years we’ve consistently replaced butter with margarine. We were told by the powers that be that margarine was healthier. But growing evidence may prove that theory to be false. Remember, butter is a natural derived food that by it’s own nature, supports better health. While margarine is a processed food derived from polyunsaturated oils. So, unless your doctor advises you to use margarine for health concerns, go ahead and use the real thing. Just don’t go overboard, and moderation is always in style.  

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The Face that created Facebook

At only age 26, Mark Zuckenberg is touted to be worth $3 billion. His brain child creation Facebook, a well known social networking site, has according to Zuckerberg, passed the 500 million-user mark. He’s making news of another kind by his announcement of a $100 million donation to the public schools of Newark, New Jersey Friday on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."  
That in itself attests to the fact that he claims he never really cared about money. It's never been a big part about why he did anything.  Could the fact that the newly released move "The Social Network," a movie that portrays the 26-year-old billionaire as a social misfit with few friends have anything to do with it? Regardless, it's a fabulous and patriotic gesture Mark.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Contageous doggie yawn

by Dr. Donna Spector
 We have all been a "victim" of the contagious yawn…but did you know that dogs catch the "yawning bug" from people also? Researchers from the University of London have recently shown for the first time that dogs can "catch" our yawns, too! This involuntary reaction, triggered by watching someone else yawn, had previously only been observed amongst humans and chimps. A researcher suggested that this may indicate that dogs possess the rudimentary capacity for understanding behavior and emotions. Contagious yawns or not…if you are a dog owner you know they are able to understand your every thought and feeling! Nonetheless , the research is cool! In this study 29 dogs (including Labs, Dobermans, and Yorkies) watched a person yawn and it caused 72% of the dogs to do the same. When the dogs watched a person just open their mouth, none of the dogs yawned in response.

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Prescription take back program

Cleaning up your home medicine cabinet and getting rid of unused prescription drugs has sparked a nationwide effort to help safely dispose of dangerous lingering meds. Many people unthinkingly allow unused prescriptions to accumulate, and it's become a convenient source of  drug supply for children and young adults of all ages.  Flushing them is dangerous for the environment, so the effort is well worth participating in. Many local police, and fire stations are participating nationwide. A few simple phone calls will surely direct you to a disposal site close to home. You'll be participating in the war on drugs, and you may just save the future, or the life of someone you love. It's a win-win effort for all. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

The "Deadly Teat on American’s Retirement"

While our nation's eyes are focused on Iraq and Afghanistan, Congress launches a hidden assault right here in the United States homeland...  Targeting your IRAs and 401(k)s.
This assault on hard working Americans will overshadow the cost of our conflicts overseas -- in fact, it could rob struggling Americans of as much as $6.3 trillion virtually overnight.  Sounds similar to what happened to our Social Security piggy bank, where zealous politicians stole our money and replaced it with worthless IOU’s.
That $6.3 trillion in privately held money that could literally be confiscated from the retirement savings of 78 million  American citizens like you, would fund failed, and pork programs that our  misplaced government leaders have adopted. In actuality, making the already strapped American workers responsible for replacing the trillions they've squandered on worthless policy.

Prescription frenzy

It's a little alarming that the swarm of prescription drugs being advertised in the media carry such warnings labels as, "May cause shortness of breath, stroke, heart attack, choking, and liver damage." "Ask your doctor if these readily prescribed poison drugs are right for you?" Are you kidding??
Americans are so hooked on prescription drugs that seem to carry side effects that are more dangerous than the symptoms they are designed to relieve. We are slowly being led off a steep cliff, and are victims of a culture that advocates treatment as opposed to cure. I wonder if money as anything to do with this misbalanced madness?  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Awoken from a Dream Act!

The United States Senate voted to block discussion of the 2011 defense authorization bill on Tuesday, effectively halting the passing of the DREAM Act, which would have created a new route to citizenship for certain illegal immigrants, and the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. This is a typical example of how lawmakers sneak legislation in on the people, hidden within a bill that's totally a disassociated piece of legislation. And, as usual, lawmakers never read what they are voting for anyway, so we are at the unscrupulous mercy of lawmakers too lazy to read what they're signing. 

 The DREAM Act amendment, if passed, would have allowed immigrants who came to the U.S. as children to gain citizenship if they met specific requirements, such as graduating from high school or pursuing military service.

Botox found guilty of Illegal Promotions

Fraud, corruption, false advertising, and illegal activities of pharmaceutical companies have reached unprecedented highs. The maker of Botox seems to be more committed to illegal philandering than providing doctors with accurate information about the specific dangers associated with their products, and their uses. New patients thinking of going under the needle, best examine the risks of treatment, and any side effects from a trusted and unbiased source. Seeking out personal experience recommendations from past patients should be the order of due-diligence.  

Taser Controversy

Law enforcement continues to embrace the use of non-lethal Taser on uncooperative suspects. However, the term non-lethal somehow doesn't seem to fit the crime. The crime is that, Taser electrocution has been employed appox. 4,500 plus times since 2004, and has tragically resulted in over 500 needless deaths.
The Taser controversy continues to make the news, and the question that always seems to justify the means, stems from the argument that, Taser electrocution is appropriate when the night stick is not enough, and the gun is to much. There are numerous law suits pending against police in the courts at present time.
Whatever the argument, there are innocent people being brutally and systematically killed by police policies, and the controversy continues with no solution on the horizon.    

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The FDA's refusal to require labeling of GM (genetically modified) foods has sent shockwaves throughout the scientific community. Along with the fear of "Frankenfish" (scroll down to previous Ping) escaping from fish farming habitat and infecting the wild salmon population, GM produced corn, soy, and other experimental crops have been found to infect adjoining farm crops. How far can this contamination reach with the wind likely spreading pollen everywhere.
There is mounting evidence that GM foods may not be safe for consumption, however the human experiment continues under the close supervision of no one.
This is another example of a government agency failing to protect the welfare of the people they are sworn to safeguard.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's called The Pink Stinker™

You’re all alone in a darkening parking lot. There is a ominous figure approaching you as you frightenly fumble for your car keys.
He’s getting closer, and all kinds of fearful thoughts are racing through your mind. You reach into your purse and grab onto your Pink Stinker pepper spray.

You now feel a calming sense overcome you ……….  You have a very effective non-lethal weapon at your command, at your very fingertips. You’re safe, and you’re armed with a proven self-defense-weapon of maximum strength formula, same as law enforcement personnel use with great success. You completely relax as the figure passes, but knowing you could have defended yourself is an amazing comforting feeling. It's a product mfg. in the USA

Hot Pink 'em™ is a maximum strength, hot pepper defense spray with a visible pink skin dye assailant marker. Using a visible hot pink skin dye in a personal safety spray "makes it difficult for an assailant to evade detection and deny involvement in foul play"™ 

What a terrific equalizer for anyone. To find a great deal (up to 37% discount)  Go to:    and click on home & living from the categories column on right, and click security under the home & living choices.  

Traveling by air with a pet?

Many airlines have imposed new restrictions for passengers with pets. Most airlines now will only book you with your pet on non-stop flights.
This way you have less chance of having your pet put on the wrong connecting flight.
Remember that the temp. on the tarmac can get to extremes if the flight is delayed, and the temp. at heights that airlines fly is usually 40-50 degrees below zero. Cargo holds, where pets located, are heated providing the equipment is functioning properly.
It’s a good idea to leave food or snacks, and a non-spill container of water in the transport carrier, or a simple baggie with ice cubes if nothing else is available.
Check with your air carrier for all restrictions way before your travel date to make preparations well prior to departure.  

Bed Bug Summit

Bed bug infestation has become a major problem in the U.S. to the extent that a nation wide summit, hosted in Chicago is under way. The east coast seems to have the worst problem on record. No one knows for sure why the flair-up, but New York City has been noted as the most infected city, and Ohio, the most infected state. Bed bugs feed on human blood, and just the thought of them being in your home, your bed……………….oooh my!

Is college cost effective?

The number crunchers may be indicating that the cost of a college education (up 25% from 2000) may not be worth it.  With the cost of tuition for a 4 year public college at $56 thousand, and a private college is $140 thousand, it’s no wonder there is a huge demand for student loans.  However, student loans have a high default rate, and harsh collection rules are intimidating. And, default can stifle your career and credit rating right from the get-go. There is a staggering $840 billion, that’s billion with a B., in student loans at present. College graduates do however make more money in the long run, but struggle after graduation with pay-back even though unemployment rates for grads. is only 5%.

Monday, September 20, 2010


FDA claims that farm raised salmon eggs are being genitically mated with those of ocean carp which reproduce with great vigor to make the slamon mimic this reproductive trait. The benefits are obvious, but what about the risks?
There are claims that GM (genetically modified) foods are suspect to being foreign to the human body’s metabolism function, and therefore may not be safe. Testing continues, however the FDA recently stated that suppliers are not required to disclose if GM has been used in the development of any given consumable.
Additional concerns are that GM salmon could escape to local waters and litteraly infect/contaminate the entire species. Corn is especially suspect of large scale GM.
Is man made disaster looming here??

OctoMom-Mama Mia!

With 14 hungry mouths to feed, OctoMom Nyadia Suleman confesses she is almost broke with only 1 weeks funds left going forward.  That seems almost incredible since she won a workman's comp. suite dating back to 1999 for $40,000, and collected $170,000 in disability payments for chronic back pain in 2003, and 2008. That's over $200,000 folks. 
Who gets those sort of huge settlements???……….Nyadia's attorney. What a guy!

Teen obesity

A study in the Journal of Pediatrics reports that many young people are resorting to weight-loss-surgery. Study suggests it’s becoming more popular among overweight teens. However, is this adult trend safe for them?

Many diseases that are associated with excess weight, i.e., diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc. are showing up with more regularity in young abusers.
Treating the problem while young may create a better awareness, and better monitoring of bad eating habits in young adults, that hopefully they'll carry along into maturity.

Paris in Vegas

Convicted felon Paris Hilton, gets sentenced to probation and treatment by Las Vegas judge for her latest cocaine possession  bust. This sentence is reported to be the norm for this first offense in Las Vegas, Nevada.  But even for felons??
Makes one wonder if non-celebrities, with a felony conviction, would have received the same sentence? As they say in the military, “rank has it’s privilige."      

Friday, September 17, 2010

More van der Sloot

(CBS)  Beth Holloway Twitty, the mother of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, reportedly snuck into a Peruvian jail and confronted the young man who is the prime suspect in her daughter's disappearance.

Local media say Twitty had a hidden camera with her, but that van der Sloot clammed up.

She was then taken into custory herself, the reports say. 

Try visiting your local library

The library has always been a fascinating place. The rows of knowledge are also full of great selections of DVDs, magazines and even games, in addition to books for all ages and interests. You may also have use of public computers where you can lovingly send your sweetheart a love letter from their library internet.

Digital addiction!

Digital addiction seems to be spreading like the plague. Mark Malkoff of Flushing, N.Y., is going cold turkey to break the habit from his cell phone, internet, ipod, and all the gadgets that have become out of hand. He feels these devices are fully controlling his life. 
So, he's decided that isolation may be the cure to breaking his addiction. He's locked himself in his bathroom for 5 days in hopes that this strategy will be the magic bullet that saves his digital dilemma. However, his wife who claims he's hogging the bathroom, is skeptical of his success. In case you're wondering, he sleeps in the tub.

Some addicts are trying limiting their user time, and experimenting with going digital during set time periods only. Others are setting up "No phone zones", where digital is off limits while in these areas. 

End of Era for Legendary TV Soap

"As The World Turns" is airing its last episode after 54 years that began way back in 1956.
The series racked up over 13,000 plus episodes, and helped launch the career of such stars as, Meg Ryan, and MaryAnn Moore. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Online discounts---Tip

Search for any discounts online before you click “Complete Purchase,” and be sure to visit a discount-codes-and-coupons website. You may just discover that your purchase is entitled to free shipping, a full-order discount or a bonus item. Do a little homework, and the rewards may be substantial.